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The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is a southern region of the Russian Federation.

Ossetia is located in the North Caucasus, in its central part.

The capital of North Ossetia is the city of Vladikavkaz, founded as a Russian fortress during the reign of Catherine the Great near the Ossetian village of Dzauga.

Now Vladikavkaz is a city with a population of 310,000, and the population of North Ossetia is about 700,000.



The flag of North Ossetia is rectangular in shape, consisting of three horizontal stripes of different colors. White symbolizes moral and spiritual purity; red symbolizes courage, strength and honor; yellow symbolizes abundance, prosperity and well-being.



The coat of arms of North Ossetia depicts a snow leopard against the background of the Caucasian mountains.


The highest mountain peak in North Ossetia is Mount Kazbek. It is also located on the territory of the neighboring state of Georgia. The longest river in North Ossetia is the Terek.

Natural objects

Ahsinta canyon

Interesting places 

City of the Dead in Dargavs


Memorial of Glory

National composition 

Dozens of nationalities live in North Ossetia. The largest ethnic groups include Ossetians, Russians, Armenians, Georgians, Ingush, Kumyks.


Ossetian cuisine

In North Ossetia they love and know how to receive guests. Ossetian national cuisine is distinctive and unique. One of the favorite dishes are Ossetian pies, which are widely known outside the republic.

Ossetian culture 



Ossetian mass dance Simd

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